We utilize Grove Menus: The industry leader in food management for Assisted Living and the 5 Star standard of excellence brand.
Meal-time is one of the most important parts of our day regardless of our age. For those who cannot fully take care of themselves anymore, meal-time for most becomes the highlight of the day. Meal-time affects the quality of life for the elderly and dependent in multiple and significant ways. Meal-time is a diversion, brings pleasure and comfort. And we need to be aware that the food we serve our residents does affect health status and physical well-being. It is important that we not neglect proper nutrition because some might think it does not matter at this stage of life. While there is no such thing as a perfect menu, there is a way to achieve the proper nutritional balance for the residents, staff, and owners of Wedgewood Gardens.
We want to give and receive feedback so we can monitor how we are doing and make needed changes to this very important aspect of our daily lives.
We believe everyone can have a high level of satisfaction, and everyone can benefit, when we pay a little more attention to opportunities for improvement in one of the most critical aspects of our business.
About Grove Menus
The Grove Menus system allows us to plan and analyze a particular menu for the week and make choices based on a balance of appropriate nutrition, resident preference and recipes that have been reviewed and rated nationally. Our Registered Dietician reviews the menus for being nutritionally what our residents need and want.
Grove Menus started about 20 years ago when Diane Fager, a licensed and registered Dietician, began writing menus for a facility she owned and discovered she was not only good at it, but had an interest in it. Others found out about her menus and they came running. She was able to successfully build a menu program that was marketable and ultimately served over 500 clients. The company grew to the point that something had to change. Grove menus evolved into an electronic web-based system with a vast data base of recipes tested and scrutinized over the years and is now used by thousands of clients nationwide.
This web-based software program allows Wedgewood Gardens to make changes to the menus, having all options controlled to meet state guidelines. This program also gives us greater flexibility in tailoring our meals to the individual preferences of our residents.
Please refer to the Grove Menus Website for a closer look.